0.14-acre Gem! No Restrictions! Priced to Sell! Sold

  • $2,000

Cash: $2,000.  Buy this property outright for $2,000 + doc fee.

Terms:  Buy on terms with down payment of $350 + doc fee.  Monthly payments of  $99.09/mo for 18 months + loan servicing fee

Own this stunning 0.14-acre with no restrictions in El Paso County, Texas. This property is nestled in a prime location away from the noise of the city. The nearest town to the property is Horizon City where there are shops, schools, restaurants and other major establishments. You can camp, build a tiny home, put up and RV or Mobile home here.

Visit the center of El Paso just 30 min of drive from the property for sale. The sun shines in El Paso approximately 302 days per year, earning it the nickname “Sun City.” With all that sun we’re bound to have the finest regional vineyards. Raise your glasses to make Texas wine different.

This property is worth your investment this year. Call us now to learn more of the offer!


Property Details:

Parcel #: E363-035-1020-0180
County: El Paso County
Parcel Size: 0.14 Acre(s)
Legal Description: 102 EL PASO EAST #35 LOT 18 ( 6000.00 SQ FT)
GPS Center Coordinates: 31.671074, -106.078806
GPS Coordinates (Corners):
31.671156, -106.078975
31.671156, -106.078654
31.670990, -106.078652
31.670990, -106.078974
Elevation: 4055 ft
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Dirt Road
Terrain: Level
Property Tax:  $0.01/year
RVs allowed!
Power: Horizon Boulevard is nearest electric hookups
Water: Well or alternative supply needed
Sewer: Septic or Alternative supply needed
Doc Fee: $249

El Paso, TX 79836
Lot Size:
0.14 acres
For Sale
Property Type:

Call 724-480-6774 for more details